A video has gone viral where pastor Femi Lazarus, said in the video that when a girl has not seen a father’s attention, she becomes sexually loose. He went further to advice men to always be available for their daughter, take them out and also provide their needs.
The video can be seen below:
While some people agreed with what he said, many were against it.
The reactions of people can be seen below:
greiseee Abeg rest… everything girl girl,wetin woman do una really????
esemimi_ if them don too hype una preaching una go come start to thy talk nonsense
thefoodnetworknig2 Play your fatherly role so your daughter won’t be looking for zaddy in the wrong places!
preshlenas I like pastor Femi but this particular message is a lie. I know So many girls without a father figure that are don’t even know what a man is talk to being loose.
sca515 Speaking rubbish boldly.
kiraalyona_8 This @femilazarus1 Dey crase oh, is this how Jesus preached?
nolly_geff A girl that wants to be sexually loose will be akwuna oku, even with father’s affection or not.