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NBTE divides mass communication courses in higher education institutions

Professor Idris Mohammed Bugaje, Executive Secretary of the National Board for Technical Education, stated on Saturday that mass communication as a course of study has been divided into three categories.

He explained that, unlike in the past, mass communication is now divided into Journalism and Media Studies, Strategic Communication and Media Studies, and Film and Multimedia Production, with students able to specialize in one of these areas.

On Saturday, Bugaje, who was represented by his Special Assistant, Mallam Ibrahim Bashir Bello, said that the courses would be thought at Higher Diploma Level in all the Technical, Vocational, and Colleges of Education Study Centres across the country and urged the various Institutions to sponsor lecturers to update their knowledge on the courses. 

Mallam Lawal Umar Maradun, Chief Lecturer at the Mass Communication Department of Abdu Gusau Federal Polytechnic Zamfara State, praised the NBTE for the development, saying it has provided some relief to polytechnic lecturers who can now focus on a specific area of specialization.

Mr. Jide Johnson, the resource person, explained that the new curriculum had been reviewed by respected professionals and would train Nigerian journalists in modern journalism practices.

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