A mother was devastated when her daughter swallowed a screw, but she was relieved when the child passed it after only eight days.
In a video that was uploaded to her TikTok page, the mother described the incident and expressed her surprise when her daughter inadvertently swallowed the screw.
She described how she almost passed out in shock and hurried to the hospital to have her daughter scanned to find the object in her stomach in the post.
It was with relief that the mother learned her daughter had passed the screw prior to the surgery, which was set for a few days later.
She wrote, “She pooped it after 8 days, just before she could even get operated… God is great”
When the video went viral, a lot of worried people posted their thoughts in the comments section.
See some reactions below:
Manu:: “i swallowed a marble when i was young and i never told anyone upto to date am fine.”
Nghwazi.m: “I once swallowed 50c😭🤣I was very naughty.”
thandekamazibuk59: “my baby girl swallowed a ring and she went for an operation😭. Im still thankful to God for her life.”
user8066438175323 Vivian E: “my swallowed a coin l almost died that was after loosing my 4 years old in a road accident.”
gm84: “my neighbor’s daughter swallowed a u-nail and it came out with poo a day before opp , after 5days.”
Candice🤍: “my 2year old swallowed 10cent and I only found out when he pooed ,I saw it inside the pamper😭😭😭.”
phiby: “my son swallowed a coin but he tells me after a year.”
BAAHUBALI. 🦾🦾: “hmmm mine swallowed my car engine but he is fine now, 🥺🥺🥺 pls I’m not lying.”
nomachule: “how did they take it out?”
cynthia momo 💗🔵💕: “My daughter swallowed a cow but you people it’s God.”
Published by Ejoh Caleb