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How organic cream ruined my face and destroyed my relationship — A heartbroken woman tells her story (Video)

A young Nigerian lady suffers a double heartbreak as her continued use of organic cream destroys her relationship while also destroying her face.

A viral social media video showed a woman with a breakout on her one, which she blamed on the use of organic cream.

The goal of using the product was to achieve clearer skin and a natural glow, but instead I ended up with damaged facials and a broken relationship.

In a chat shared by the lady, she complained to her boyfriend about having a bad day due to facial issues. The boyfriend responded surprised, questioning her continued use of the product.

She justified her continued use, however, with a recommendation from the vendor, who assured her that the previous damage would be repaired with a new product. Unfortunately, her facial condition deteriorated.

In response, the boyfriend ended the relationship because he refused his advice while also being concerned about what his friends would say about his girlfriend’s bad skin.

After her babe blocked her on social media, the heartbroken lady couldn’t stop crying.

Reactions trailing organic cream, love story

user4380961845045 said: “ahhhh but this is not an excuse to breakup with your partner. he just wanted to leave”

Adenikeonce wrote: “u said u cant do without him, u re not in ir right senses”

❤️🌸🦋Tife🥰😍 penned: “I laugh in igbo😂😂😂 which kinda bf is dis”

i am_kofo stated: “Don’t think about it babe, just find solution to your face, you will get over it, mine also break up with me cos hot oil fell on my lap🥺|

Anax✨ said: “He for carry you go travel out, make he go fine solution since he day reason waiting he friends go talk mumu boy

Cindy Bills wrote: “He don’t love u just forget about him nd treat ur face kk”

Watch the video below …

How organic cream ruined my face and destroyed my relationship — A heartbroken woman tells her story (Video)

By Ejoh Esther


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