


For the politicians, it is a fight for plum positions that give direct access to the national cake. For you, it is a fight for your daily survival – food on your table, a secure home, a good job, effective and affordable healthcare, easily accessible education of global standard for your children, going to the store and buying the things that make life more beautiful for you, giving your family a treat every weekend and a vacation every year, walking the streets and hanging out without fear day and night, etc.

This battle is between you and the politician. The politician needs you to give him access to the national cake to live the same life you dream for yourself. You work day and night to give yourself that life. The politicians wishes to avoid all that struggle by direct access to the national cake.

Remember, this is not a competition of ethnicities. This is not a competition of religions. This is a battle between you and the politician for the most share of the resources of the land, of which you are the owner. I am talking about public resources and your personal resources. He will take your personal resources as tax to increase the resources under his charge. It doesn’t matter that he is your blood brother.

The only way that you can win this fight is to force the politician to spend the public money in the way that it benefits you, as the citizen, more than him, his family and friends. You must reject the myth that the politician is being kind by doing things for you. There’s no kindness in the battle for survival. He will do things for you only as a means of his own survival.

You must force a situation where it is only the person that will spend most of the resources for your welfare that gets into power. You must close your eyes to the baits of religion and tribe and lofty promises.

You must vote only the person that you know is not a thief. The way to know a thief is the person who lives large on public money – your money. The person that you call a big man because of the money he has made from public office is a thief. Reject him for your own sake.

– Chuks Nwachuku

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