Maximus, a businessman, described how he struck a deal with his wife that ultimately worked against him.
He tweeted about the incident and stated that they had made an agreement to share household chores equally and that anyone who disobeyed would be fined $20.
Max claimed that although his wife frequently broke the terms of the agreement and paid the penalty, he upheld his end of the bargain by performing housework.
After some time, he realized that she had effectively turned him into a housemaid because he was doing the chores and she was only paying the fine for defaulting.
“Wife and I have chore penalties: pay $20 for failing to complete an assigned task on the day. This was her idea, but the overwhelming majority of the breaches have been by her.
It has now occurred to me that I’m being paid to be a maid because she doesn’t mind the fines at all,” he wrote.