A pregnant woman gave birth while waiting in line in front of a bank in Port Harcourt.
When the expectant mother’s water broke, everyone in line waiting to withdraw money from their bank was perplexed.
People were perplexed as they witnessed them frantically sprinting from one location to another, attempting to assist the woman in getting into a vehicle so she could go to the hospital to give birth.
A witness stated that the heavily pregnant woman began having labor contractions after being forced to stand for hours in the hot sun to withdraw her money.
Fortunately, she was able to be carried into a hospital that was nearby.
Watch the video below,
Woman goes into labor while waiting in line for cash at a bank in Port Harcourt Video)
See reactions below:
kiddieshub1.ng: Kudos to those women that made sure she was well covered
blueberrilicious: That man can’t be her husband, what the heck is he doing shouting and talking to the camera when he should be in that car 😒
touche_cakes_cuisine: If truly that man is her husband, he is the most clueless one there is
izuchukwuogbonnah: Our world is funny,. Common sense indeed is not common. Why on earth would people video this and what those useless boys saying . There wives would deliver in public
kiddieshub1.ng: See these useless guys were more concerned with getting videos😰