
Why I resolved my conflict with BNXN – Ruger

Famous Afrobeat singer Ruger characterizes “comparison” as a destructive force and explains why he ended his conflict with colleague BNXN.

During an interview with Beats FM 99.9, Ruger discussed how he resolved his feud with BNXN and the inspiration behind his most recent hits, “Make Way” and “Luv Again.”

Recall that the two engaged in a well-publicized dispute that went on for almost three years before it was settled.

Ruger claims that fan comparisons, which he acknowledges are not always unfavorable but regrettably contributed to their dispute, were the root of the BNXN problem.

In his words;

“Comparison is a killer of joy, but it’s necessary for the game. This is what is entertaining these people. The arguments and all that.”

“We looked beyond that (the comparisons) and asked ‘How can we push good music together?’ because the music industry is currently filled with many distractions.

“Some people are putting out bad products, but they are pushing them with money, and the product is selling well. If you look at the ‘RnB’ project, it’s very good music,” Ruger said on squashing his beef with BNXN and collaborating on the joint EP ‘RnB’” he added.


Published by Ejoh Caleb

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