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Two security guards were sentenced to death by hanging in Ondo

Tasur Abubakar and Ayuba Idris were sentenced to death by hanging by an Ondo State High Court for robbery and murder.

The duo was also found guilty of conspiracy by the court and sentenced to seven years in prison.

Mr. Kwaku Richard Kwakye and his 27-year-old daughter, Tope Kwakye, were killed in their home on May 1, 2019, at Ojomo Akintan Estate, Olufoam in Akure, by two men.

The deceased’s security guards confessed to killing the father and daughter with motorcycle cables while high on tramadol and other dangerous drugs, revealing that they were under the influence of tramadol and other dangerous drugs.

The two men, Idris, 24, and Abubakar, 27, were charged in court on five counts, according to State Counsel John Dada.

Detectives from the State Police Command apprehended them in 2019 for the murder of Kwaku Kwakye and his daughter, Tope Kwakye.

They were charged immediately in court on five counts ranging from conspiracy to armed robbery to murder.

He claimed their actions violated Sections 6(b),(1,2)(a)&(b),324,319, and 319(1) of the Robbery and Firearms (Special Provisions) Act, Cap11, Volume 14, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

In his decision, Justice Williams Olamide found the two convicts guilty of the charges brought against them by the police and sentenced them to death by hanging.


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