
Police apprehends two members of robbery gang

Ogun state Police command has apprehended two members of a Lagos-based robbery gang who have been terrorizing Ijebu Ode and its environs

The suspects, Muyiwa Adebola and Lukman Ogunmuyiwa were arrested following a distress call received at Igbeba divisional headquarters Ijebu Ode on the 26th of March 2023, when the 6-man gang invaded New site, Imoru Ijebu at about 1:30am and held people of the area hostage.

It was reported that the robbers dispossessed residents of their belongings ranging from laptops, 32 different phones and a GLK Mercedes Benz car with registration number KRD 570 HM at gunpoint. One Ayoola Taiwo was also shot and wounded at his right knee by the robbers.

Upon the report, the DPO Igbeba division, CSP Musiliu Doga, led his men to the scene but the robbers took to their heels on sighting the policemen. They were hotly chased and one of them, Muyiwa Adebola, was arrested at Olisa area of Ijebu Ode and one of the robbed phones was recovered from him.

On interrogation, he informed the police that the gang members were based in Lagos State, and he subsequently led detectives to Mushin area of Lagos where the second one, Lukman Ogunmuyiwa, who also confessed his participation in the robbery was apprehended.

Confirming their arrest, the spokesperson of the command, SP Abimbola Oyeyemi, said items recovered so far from the two suspects include three HP laptops and three phones belonging to the victims.

The suspects have been transferred to State Criminal Investigation Departments for investigation.

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