
Nigerian Security Corps (NSCDC) vehicle transporting election materials crashes In Abuja

The incident occurred at the Giri Roundabout Bridge in Abuja, according to reports. The vehicle was also transporting NSCDC agents to Lagos State. 

On Friday evening, election eve, a Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) vehicle transporting election materials from Abuja to Lagos State crashed. 

In a social media video, people are seen assisting in the collection of papers suspected to be electoral materials that are littering the area.

According to a man who speaks in the video, some of the passengers were injured, with one of them suffering a head injury. 

He did, however, mention that some senior NSCDC officials had been relocated. 

“When the accident happened, the people in the back hit the wood, and one person in front got a cut on the head,” he explained. I’m not sure if he’ll be able to survive. 

“We then called for help. However, some senior officers were transferred to Gwarindada.” 

It was unclear whether there had been any casualties at the time of writing this report.

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