A Nigerian mother has come under fire after a video of her underage daughter dressed up for her birthday went viral.
The birthday girl, who appears to be under ten years old, was seen dressed up as an adult, complete with a frontal wig and full face make-up.
To complete her look for her birthday photoshoot, the celebrant wore five different outfits and wigs. In celebration of her new age, she was also filmed giving out refreshments to children in her neighborhood.
The video, however, sparked outrage on social media, with users criticizing the child’s mother for forcing an adult lifestyle on her underage daughter.
@nnena_blinks_ wrote, “Stop living your life through your children.
Dress kids appropriately and allow them to be kids.
You Dey give breast padded dress for pikin wey never develop Bobby na ment”
@official_chidima wrote, “Why do some parents think making their kids look like Adults ls beautiful? Adulthood comes with alot more than wigs, lash makeup, as an Adult you have to be fully prepared for the task Ahead which is beyond all of this. well who am i to judge? nobody will tell you to look natural when the time comes”
@gylliananthonette wrote, “When ijoba pablo and mhiz kween have a child together 😂”
@jessilove2laugh wrote, “Allow kids be kids, they will get to this stage fr.. and they will even want to go back to their child days 😂”
Watch the clip below,
Mother creates a commotion as she dresses up her underage daughter for her birthday (video)