
Moment pastor’s wife spanked lady for dancing ‘inappropriately’ at wedding (Video)

A video circulating online has generated humorous reactions after a pastor’s wife in a church spanked a bridesmaid during a wedding ceremony.

In the video, the bridesmaid caught the attention of onlookers with her inappropriate dancing. The pastpr’s wife promptly intervened, calling the lady back to order by giving her a spank.

Netizens have responded, highlighting the inappropriateness of the bridesmaid’s behavior and expressing support for the pastor’s wife‘s actions in bringing her back on track.

Reacting to the post, @olatunrush said: “Which is unacceptable? The dance or d spanking? Me thinks it’s d dance. The spanking is very scriptural”

@kennmarks07 commented: “That should be mummy GO”

@Ritaelendu1 said: “Wahala 🤣🤣🤣”

@Youngestolowe stated: “The chief usher pulling the groom out of every possible temptation 😂”

@daudutemitope3 wrote: “It’s outrageous but she was brought to order,some people forget that they are in functions and need to control their excess”

@adiatu_olanre93 stated: “She wants to impress the groom but what she is carrying is nothing compared to the bride”

Watch the video below:

Moment pastor’s wife spanked lady for dancing ‘inappropriately’ at wedding (Video) 

By Ejoh Esther


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