Betty Irabor took to her X account to recount how she tried ending things, she also advice others on what to do if faced with such situation.
Years ago I had a failed suicide attempt. What people don’t get is that many don’t really want to go thru with it. It’s d pain you want to kill not yourself. In that fleeting sec you’re still hoping someone will save u. I’m grateful 4 my turnaround & bonus yrs #depression
If you’re in that place called depression, I promise you that a turn around is possible.. Talk to someone. There is no shame in admitting you need help and getting it. All that matters is your recovery. Thankfully more people understand Mental illness better now. Some people see it as cowardice or selfishness, but it’s more complex than that. Remain blessed. It’s cowardice to them until they come face to face with it which i pray not.
Visiotalks also captured people’s reaction to this. Their comment can be seen below:
mickeyspride “Talk to someone”.. what if there is nobody to talk to0? A lot of people will either judge you or laugh you..
queensusz But she is facially deprived
obianuju_bennie_hillz it’s the people who troll celebrities,need to understand that the celebrities themselves go through depression and I’m very sure most of them must have thought of committing suicide,please dear people should be kind with their words and actions,no one has it all
ifedioraamara I need someone to talk to
official_teewealth If you are reading this, just know that there are millions of people who care about you, you are not alone and you should not fight this alone…. Talk
odogwumaximus1 If u are depressed, pray study ur Bible, there’s a friend called Jesus that is always there to help. believe me a true
Christian will never commit suicide