Mpa Kelechi, a social media commentator, has generated discussions about the dynamics of contemporary marriages by drawing comparisons to his father’s strategy, which benefited his mother.
In his Facebook post, Kelechi shared his thoughts on his early years and how his mother became a resourceful businesswoman as a result of his father’s refusal to feed them during arguments. In spite of these difficulties, his mother remained in the marriage.
He made a comparison between this and contemporary relationships, criticizing the propensity of some people to end marriages due to non-physical abuse-related concerns.
By making analogies to his father’s approach, which worked for his mother, social media commentator Mpa Kelechi has sparked conversations about the dynamics of modern marriages.
How my father’s neglect turned my mother into a resourceful wife
“I remember while growing up if my mom and dad had a problem my father would not provide food for a week and even a month sometimes and my mother would be the one taking care of everything which is not good as a father but we her children would decode that there was a problem but my mom didn’t leave the marriage due to it but rather she turned it into knowing how to do business but this our generation any marital quarrel that results in no physical äbüse or continuing not providing food for the family boöm they will leave the marriage and tag it my mental health is more important than the marriage.
Madam Marriage is not rosy and will never be. For many of us here, our fathers made our mothers jäcks of all trades due to our fathers’ continuous inability to provide food at home. Madam go and learn work, start up something before entering marriage to avoid leaving your marriage unnecessarily because no marriage out there is perfect okwu nke oseburuwa.
Some women don’t know how long their husbands provide for the house, but they’re still there because they have no physical äbüse, but some women will be like 🤔, he stopped providing for a month or 3 and I can’t take it anymore. Madam, ask single mothers out there what they’re going through. It’s not easy on some of them at all, and 90% of them are in regret but won’t tell you. The moment some women understand there is no perfect marriage that’s when they will work on their own because if there’s no physical äbüse or other serious problems I don’t see why you will leave because of misunderstanding
Many men have how they react when there is problem at home and you can’t change it that’s why you have to be productive before entering marriage. My dad chose not to give while others chose to give but deny you another thing so stop acting as if your husband doesn’t provide you can’t take care of your family.
Prepare yourself before entering marriage that’s all i can tell you. If you like condemn my dad’s actions and leave your marriage when you find yourself in that situation it’s none of my business thank you. His actions isn’t good but that shouldn’t be a reason to leave marriage”
The post quickly gained traction, with many users expressing their thoughts in the comment section.
See some reactions below:
Uche Joan: You have a terrible and irresponsible father, father who starved his own children for his ego…..you are your father’s son, you are not far from him. Go heal!
Jane Nyong: Stop projecting your family’s reality on other people.
Don’t you see how much of a failure your father was? He ended up raising a child who is still basking in the folly of his ancestors.
Because why would any responsible man write this level of gibbérish on social media with so much pride?
A man had a rift with his wife and refused to feed his children, his own blood, as a way of punishing the woman?
You grew up and use such a barbaric story as an analogy to why women should find something doing.
Every woman knows that having her own money will save her and her home if the husband breaks down. Also, so they’ll be enough money to take care of the family.
Any man that is as insensitive, wícked and inconsiderate as your father, deserves no wife.
Treasure Ifeyinwa: That your mother tolerated it doesn’t make it a yardstick for good marriage.
Any man that uses financial abuse to control his wife is abusive and that you mom endured it doesn’t we should all endure it, true marriage isn’t a bed of roses but financial, physical and emotional abuse are your partners issues not marital issues and as a person you have the right to either endure or move on with your life. But in all your mum 0lstaying didn’t do you Any good cause you grew seeing dysfunctionality as normal, not to insult you but I suggest you go for therapy.
Glorious Gloria: your dad is not a good man.
Any man practicing this is not a good man.
What’s the moral here?
This kind of marriage is not worth emulating biko
Özil Obinna Obi: Any Man who intentionally starve his family because of misunderstanding is an animal … brotherhood is not proud of your family OGA…I wonder what we wake up to read on social media sometimes
Chinazaekpere Miracle: Marriage is not a bad of roses yes, but don’t treat ur family bad and be expecting ur wife to do understanding wife. Enugu men and this yeye mentality
Amaka Lauretta: Your mum na understanding wife ❤️
Nwafor Chukwudi: Oga what is wrong is wrong.. your mother tolerating financial abuse doesn’t make it the way to go..
Published by Ejoh Caleb