Online uproar has been sparked by a viral video showing a landlord releasing his dog to attack a renter for unpaid rent.
The yet-to-be-identified landlord was observed arguing with the renter after the latter “politely” questioned why he had been denied access to the compound for more than two hours before releasing the dog.
According to eyewitnesses, the landlord alleged that the tenant owed him N45,000 and threatened to attack the man with his dog if he didn’t pay.
The tenant dared him to follow through on his threat after admitting that he had previously been bitten by the landlord’s pet. He did.
Other neighbors had to step in to diffuse the situation and make sure the dog was
Additionally, it was claimed that the landlord is infamous for being ruthless in the neighborhood. Below is a video of the incident.
Landlord sparks uproar after releasing a dog to attack a tenant over N45,000
See reactions below:
@someonebetter92: People wey dem go arrest tomorrow go plenty
@09_bush: That rent will now go for settling damages, emotional and physical. Poor landlord
@yomexboy: Some landlord Sha, nothing concern them than make there money just complete 😂 Awon werey larinlordu
@OYunglaw: Person papa 🤦🏻♂️💔
@famomoney1: It’s unfair nah 😢
@akkysylvest814: If I were the tenant, I am owning that house niten forever.
@realkinghussain: That landlord should be arrested
By Ejoh Esther