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‘I used to sell weed, alcohol to sex workers’ – Gospel singer, Victor Thompson

Nigerian gospel singer Victor Thompson caused a stir on social media after sharing some of the desperate things he did to survive.

According to the gospel star, who sings powerful worship songs, there was a time in his life when he sold weed and alcohol to make ends meet.

Thompson said that was his job at night when he was away from his vulcanising and shoemaking hustle during the day.

The This Year crooner was a guest on media personality Chude Jideonwo’s ‘With Chude’ show when he opened up on his tough upbringing.

He said: “At one time I was selling alcohol, selling weed, and selling cigarettes. In the morning and noontime I do vulcanising and shoe making, hawk pure water here and there but at night I go back to that one. My shop was close to these prostitute quarters then, they were my customers.” Victor Thompson also disclosed that he lost both of his parents at a very young age, with his father dying when he was just 10 and his mum passing on shortly after.

See video below:

The video of the Nigerian gospel singer admitting to selling cigarettes and weed took some netizens by surprise. Some others, however, marvelled at his growth.

Read some of their comments below:

Amb_lawrence: “He lost his parents at age 14 or so and had to do all these to survive before God turned his life around!! The whole interview would bless you.”

i_romey0: “He chose the way of the Lord .” teeluxydotng: “Chude’s skills of getting people to say the most uncomfortable things must be studied. I believe if Mohbad’s ‘muurdaras’ go on his podcast they’ll confess.”

Henicoxah2: “At one point in our lives we once lived the life of the Prodigal son…may the Lord help us who are struggling.”

goodiesculinary: “He got saved! And that’s so beautiful.”

Patience_omokheli_tmp: “God is intentional. He just changes people and helps us do better.”

l.tobiloba: “His experience is unique. Only God can write certain scripts. Meanwhile, this is the only podcast that makes sense.”

okm_herbal: “He who does not have a skelet0n should cast the st0ne. It’s really bold to share one’s past, really brave!”

Thestudentconnectv: “Look how his life turned when he accepted Christ. God did!”

ndukwe_oluchi_abigail: “We need everyone that had a relationship with mohbad on this podcast.”

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