Halima Abubakar, a famous actress, has made new claims about her alleged relationship with Apostle Johnson Suleman.
Remember how the actress claimed in 2022 that she had an affair with the preacher after he told her he was a divorcee with three children?
Halima also accused the cleric of breaking his promise to marry her and being responsible for an unnamed life-threatening illness that had plagued her for years.
Suleman filed a lawsuit against Halima in response to the allegations.
He claimed the allegations were false, untrue, malicious, defamatory, baseless, and intended to blackmail him.
However, Halima claimed in a new Instagram live video with Comedian Princess that Suleman proposed to her more than seven times during their relationship and met her parents for introductions.
“I did not know he was married. He told me he was separated. I used to beg him to go and settle with his wife but he said No. He proposed to me more than seven times. He involved my parents and met them for introduction,” she alleged.
She further narrated that she bled for four years and lost three pregnancies.
“The blood never stopped and he was still having sex with me like that. I didn’t read any meaning to it because I wasn’t a spiritual person and he used to have sex with me during my period so I thought it was normal.
”When I lost it, he was crying that I lost his child. You will think that it was real. I got pregnant three times, the last one left me bleeding, I had to take a tablet for it to stop.
”I was bleeding for four years. He was sleeping with me even while I was bleeding, that is the dangerous part of it and he was telling me he can’t sleep with anybody, it was okay because it is me.
”The whole thing caught me unaware, I was naive and was not a spiritual person. I did not know if it was love.
”These are some of the pictures Suleman and I snapped together at a hotel on Valentine’s Day. He even sent me some of his personal pictures. He was 41 years old at the time. I have a printout of the bank transactions between us,” she further claimed.
The Pastor has yet to respond to the most recent allegations.