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Gunmen kill PoS operator, rice seller in Ekiti

A Point of Sale operator was slain by gunmen on Thursday in the Ado Ekiti, the capital of Ekiti State, near the teaching hospital.

The assailants also shot dead a wheelbarrow pusher hawking rice at the Oja Bisi area of the state capital on the same day.

According to sources, the gunmen shot the PoS operator and stole his money and other valuables after approaching on a motorcycle.

“The PoS operator had just arrived for the day’s business when the gunmen attacked him and left him in a pool of his own blood,” stated the source, who was aware of the situation.

The source also said that the police officers who arrived at the scene shortly after took the body of the PoS operator to the hospital.

Sources also said that gunmen on a motorbike shot dead the rice hawker in the market area.

Another source said, “Traders were shocked and had to flee for safety. The development forced traders and passersby to flee for safety.”

Sunday Abutu, the public relations officer for the Ekiti Police Command, confirmed the incidents and stated, “As soon as we received the information, we sent our men to the scenes, and the victims’ bodies had been recovered and placed in the morgue.”

“In order to hold those responsible for the incidents accountable, Mr. Adeniran Akinwale, Commissioner of Police, Ekiti State Command, has ordered an investigation into the incidents.”

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