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FRSC impounds 30 vehicles for committing several road traffic offence

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Oyo State Command, said 630 vehicles were impounded by the command in Oyo State for allegedly committing various road traffic offenses between January to November.

The FRSC Sector Commander in the state, Joshua Adekanye, made this known to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ibadan.Adekanye said that most of the vehicles were impounded for not having drivers licences and other valid vehicle papers.

The sector commander said 4,005 offenders were also apprehended by the command for committing various road traffic offences in the state during the period.

He further said that about 4,186 road traffic offences were committed by the offenders, adding that the prevalence among the offences included wrongful overtaking and use of phone while driving. Others are use of expired tyres, lane violation, seat belt violation and speed violation.

Adekanye called on motorists to always ensure that their vehicles had the required papers before plying the road and as well obey traffic rules and regulations to avoid being arrested by FRSC.

He said that the corps would continue to engage and sensitize motorists and other road users to the need to shun speeding and obey traffic rules, to get to their destination safely.

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