OAP do2tun took to his twitter account to discuss about DNA and why it is important to do a DNA test after giving birth, he went on to say it may not be done because of trust issues but that it’s also provide generic informations.
He wrote:
| believe DNA shld be a prerequisite immediately a child is born. The same way they carry out test on a child when they are born. It shld be seamless. It is seen as sacred cos people see it as a borderline mishap for trust but It’s best to know in the beginning & now
The moment it’s seen as a mechanism for trust then it defeats the purpose. It was not invented to test trust. Also it produces your genetic info, your health history & things you need to look out for for example if you have a family history of hypertension, it will tell you
This got a lot of reactions from people. Some agreed with his opinion, others weren’t not for it. See their reactions below:
bellazluxuryhairs And jail * should be deserving to people who impregnate ladies without marrying them… unless she is okay with it
golden_dahmie Shey DNA is now free ni?
ann_udohh I didn’t fully understand this DNA fuss until recently someone I know just found out His 6 children are from different men. I mean so mean, not 1,2 but 6. I cried for the man, I couldn’t hold it. Even if he’s impotent, he deserves to choose if to adopt or other routes.
Serah_es Feels like the easiest way to drive conversations these days is to share your thoughts on this DNA thingy.Because everyone begins to act as an expert, and the conversation goes on and on. But yeah, I agree with him.
ladyq_crochet DNA should be free on both mother and father I don’t know why they make it expensive
rashydah_ He is right, I agree and applaud his intelligence
doraventures1 Doing DNA is not a problem, but before that, please make sure you are man enough to father a child o