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CPJ calls on Nigeria authorities to release detained journalist

CPJ calls on Nigeria authorities to release detained journalist

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Friday urged the Nigerian authorities to release and drop the charges against journalist Precious Eze Chukwunonso, the publisher of the privately owned outlet News Platform. Chukwunonso has been in detention for almost three weeks following a complaint about his reporting.

Muthoki Mumo, CPJ’s Africa Program Coordinator, called on Nigerian authorities to ensure protection and a safe environment for journalists. He added:

Precious Eze Chukwunonso joins a shamefully long list of Nigerian journalists who have been thrown behind bars simply for doing their jobs. Authorities in Lagos should drop the pending criminal charges against Chukwunonso and allow him to continue his journalistic work without further harassment.

In his statement to the CPJ, Chukwunonso alleged he was arrested without a warrant, and his phone was confiscated. He was also questioned about his sources during his detention, and the complainant threatened to “deal” with him.

According to local news sources, Nigerian police arrested Chukwunonsoat his residence in Lagos. His arrest followed a complaint by businessman and politician Prince Chris Odinaka Igwe after News Platform published an article about Igwe allegedly opening fire during a hostile dog encounter. Chukwunonso was detained for nearly a week before being arraigned. The magistrate dismissed the case, declaring it meritless, but Chukwunonso was rearrested and the case was adjourned.

The incident with Chukwunonso highlights a pattern of state actions against the press in Nigeria. Last month, the CPJ urged Nigerian authorities to investigate the detention of journalist Jamil Masai, who the CPJ said was detained and threatened by officials of the religious police force Katsina State Hisbah Corps.

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