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CNN fired Don Lemon after 17 years on the job

Don Lemon, a well-known news anchor, has taken to his Facebook page to announce that he has been fired by CNN.

The news anchor took to Twitter to announce that his agent had informed him that his contract had been terminated.

Don Lemon’s firing comes after Variety published an article earlier this month alleging that Don Lemon mistreated his female colleagues during his time at CNN. He also faced backlash for widely panned comments he made on the air.

Lemon was first chastised in February during a segment on “CNN This Morning” when he said Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, 51, was past her “prime.” 

The remark was made while discussing Haley’s suggestion that candidates over the age of 75 be subjected to mental competency tests.

He stated,

“Nikki Haley isn’t in her prime, sorry,” Lemon said. “When a woman is considered to be in her prime — in her 20s, 30s, and maybe her 40s.”

Reacting to his sack on Twitter, Don Lemon said, “I am stunned,” Lemon wrote. “After 17 years at CNN, I would have thought someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly.”

See post below: 

CNN fired Don Lemon after 17 years on the job

@beekforlife: A great day for America.

@COPDLiving: Actually  it  is  the  worst  day.  When  Lemon  (who  I  dislike)  and  Tucker  (who  I  like)  are  both  off  the  air.  Sounds  like  a  dictatorship  to  me.  Do  not  take  this  lightly.  Susan  Rice  resigned  as  well.

@RVAwonk: So sorry to hear this. CNN is crazy to let you go. Let us know who scoops you up.

@rhodeislander: Crazy? His ratings were awful and he’d been reprimanded numerous times by his bosses.

Getting fired from his job wasn’t “crazy” – it was literally the most predictable thing imaginable that anyone with a shred of perception had seen coming for months.

@Eduma35: Oh my gosh. You lied to Americans for 17 years ? Wow


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