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Bribe seeking policemen raid community

Landlords and residents of Isheri-Idimu in the Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State have lamented what they described as the arbitrary arrest and assault on people in the community by men of the Idimu Police Division.

Officers of the division were also accused of extorting money from motorcycle riders over the failure of their union leaders to remit certain fees to them.

The officers, numbering about 15, stormed the Powerline unit of the motorcycle operators and beat up some of the riders.

One of the operators, identified only as Abdul-Mumin, was left bleeding after an officer hit him on the head with the butt of a gun.

Our correspondent also observed as traders in the area insulted the cops while the operation lasted.

The policemen, who arrived in two commercial buses, were also seen assaulting traders and passengers who attempted to intervene, as they made away with six motorcycles.

According to the residents, the police officers also go about in commercial buses to arrest innocent passersby, thereby causing panic in the area.

It was gathered that arrested victims were usually taken to the station where they would be extorted and asked to pay for bail.

A resident, who identified himself simply as Akin for security reasons, said the harassment had been recurring in the community.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin, denied knowledge of the incident.

He said, “I am not aware. Besides, racketeering and unlawful arrest is not part of our mode of operation. If there is any evidence, we will take it up.”

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