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13-year-old commit suicide after torture in Kaduna

Wisdom Hashimu, 13, committed suicide in the Ungwan Maigero Community in Kaduna State’s Chikun Local Government Area.

According to reports, the incident occurred on Thursday, June 7, following the deceased’s torture by a soldier and local members of the Civilian Joint Task Force.

The late Wisdom allegedly faced false accusations of stealing N10,000 from a neighbor on June 1st, after carrying out the act in the family’s compound on Lafiya Sarki Street.

According to a report, the 16-year-old neighbor, who goes by Hope, invited her boyfriend, Segun Samson, who is a soldier serving at Bodi Camp in Port-Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State.

But after the visit, the money vanished, so Hope called his boyfriend, who hauled Wisdom and her brother to the Civilian JTF office.

A soldier and members of the civilian JTF reportedly beat Wisdom to a pulp while he was taking his junior secondary school exam.

Wisdom’s father, Mr Saul, who spoke to the news medium said, “Rather than report to the police, the soldier was said to have dragged Wisdom and Hope’s brother, both accused of stealing the money, to the civilian JTF office.

“At the civilian JTF office, Wisdom was severely beaten to the point where he was unable to walk. He returned home after receiving medical attention.”

But tragedy struck on Thursday when Wisdom’s lifeless body was discovered at the rear of their compound, hanging from a noose.

According to the grieving father, the Civilian JTF took the law into their own hands by torturing Wisdom.

“But, beyond my wildest imagination, the Civilian JTF only beat Wisdom to the point of coma while Hope’s younger brother was spared and returned home unscathed.

“After interrogation at home, her (Hope’s) younger brother confessed to the crime. When he was searched, N9,000 was found in his pocket, and he said he had spent N1,000 already,” he added.

The family therefore demanded justice over the torture that supposedly led to the suicide committed by their late son.

Mansir Hassan, the public relations officer for the state police, announced that an investigation had started into the situation.


Published by Ejoh Caleb

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