On Twitter, a Nigerian man named Frazzledazzzled advised his fellow men on how to tell if a woman is truly in love with them.
According to Frazzledazzzled, a woman who truly loves a man will continue begging after he breaks up with her.
If a woman does not beg you every day after a breakup, he believes she never loved you.
“If you love her and think she’s ”the one”? Break up with her. Ignore her for a month. If she does anything but BEG for you back every day — she never truly loved you to begin with.
“Sounds cold. But will save a LOT of pain. People don’t like this tweet, because they know if they do it they’ll find out she never actually loved them. Don’t be mean to her. Don’t be cruel.
“But break up, distance yourself, and let her reveal how she feels with her actions. If you settle down with someone who’s untested? You deserve a broken heart and 50% of your net worth taken away”.
See the tweet below:
See reactions below:
@anthony_hagi: This is honestly the worst advice I’ve ever heard. If you’ve got something good going, where you have healthy boundaries, you’re focusing on your goals and purpose, and look after each other well, you know you’re in something good. Don’t do stupid “tests” for no reason at all.
@KObregonWriter: This is the most terrible advice, any self respecting woman would not beg for a man every day after he broke up with her, no matter how much she loved him. A codependent, insecure woman might. And a woman can love a man deeply, and be totally silent.
@becsdesigns: If I was in a committed relationship and I found out my man was testing me like that, things wouldn’t be the same after. Depending on the situation, I might leave. It shows lack of trust in me, and lack of caring about my emotions.
@manhoodholistic: Imagine being so afraid of pain that you need to use strategies like that to protect yourself. Have fun with the woman who comes back begging.
If you think that will be a flourishing relationship, you will soon be proved wrong.
@TaraLynnSays: What he is describing isn’t “love.” It’s the behavior of women emotionally unstable, insecure, and immature, who lack self-worth and self-respect. If that’s what you want, then, yes, follow this man’s advice.
By Ejoh Esther