1. Protest is a civil right that is higher than all other rights because other rights depend upon it for effectiveness.
2. Protest is an exercise of the sovereignty which is declared as inherent in the people at section 14(2)(a) of the Constitution. When Government loses the authority of the people to govern either generally or with respect to specific demands of the people and the grievance is such that the courts cannot remedy, it is up to the people to exercise their sovereignty through peaceful protest.
3. Protest is a responsible exercise that should not be viewed by participants and civil authority alike as an exercise for miscreants and social deviants.
4. Protesters should respect security agents and civil authority and should avoid confrontation and potential confrontation with them. Accordingly, protesters should avoid slurs and confrontational chants and every form of violence, including throwing stones or anything that could be construed as a missile. At all times, protesters should maintain a safe distance away from law enforcement and should avoid any act that could agitate them or put them in fear for their own safety.
5. Protest is not a suicide mission; both the protester and the law enforcement officer wish to return to their respective families in one piece from the protest, both have a common interest in a peaceful exercise.
6. Protesters must respect public property; the property belongs to the people, it does not make sense to destroy your own property or that of your fellow citizen because you are angry at the Government.
7. Law enforcement may not wish for protest to be carried out in a particular place. Protesters should obey where such is not a public place or is otherwise restricted. However, in all cases, it is wise for protesters to obey law enforcement and move to alternative locations.
8. Protesters should as much as possible not block traffic. Where the road is wide enough, they should create room for traffic to pass. Where the road is too narrow, they should keep moving as fast as practicable. Protesters should not stay in the middle of the highway to chant and dance.
9. The overriding principle is maximum respect from civil authority and law enforcement for the protester. The overall objective is the safety of the protester in fulfillment of the primary duty of Government, which is the safety of life and property. Protest is a noble exercise that secures society against tyranny and ensures a better society for all, including law enforcement officers and other security agents.
10. If you are arrested as a protester, do not offer any form of resistance. Remember that you have a right to a lawyer and a right to keep silence until you consult one. It is not a time to yell about your grievances or rail at Government. Your primary instrument at that time is your brain. Maintain your cool and hold your peace. Have with you in hard copy, the number of your lawyer or anyone to reach in case of emergency. Your phone will almost certainly be seized. Carry a hard copy with you. Delete any information on your phone that might put you in trouble before you go out to protest.
Published by Chuks Nwachuku