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Concentrate on budget padding, undisclosed subsidy payment rather than Bobrisky – Peter Obi tells EFCC

Peter Obi, the Labour Party’s 2023 presidential candidate, has requested that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) concentrate its investigation efforts on important matters, such as fuel subsidy payments and purported budget padding, rather than Bobrisky.

In a Wednesday interview with Arise Television, Obi stated that Bobrisky’s and other celebrities’ arrests “are minor issues.”

Recall that the EFCC arrested the controversial cross-dresser and social media celebrity Idris Okuneye, popularly known as Bobrisky and others for abusing naira notes.

According to him, arresting Nigerians over abuse of the local currency, Naira should not be the focus of the anti-graft agency.

“If it is not budget padding today, it would be hidden subsidy payments, inflated contracts, and all kinds of other things,” stated Obi.

“These are issues I want our agencies like EFCC to start dealing with but not arresting Bobrisky and Cubana Chief Priest. These are minor issues.

“Our agencies should face budget padding squarely not arresting Bobrisky because he dressed like a woman and spent N500 notes.”

Recall that in a March interview, Mr. Abdul Ningi, the lawmaker for the Bauchi Central Senatorial District, claimed that there were inconsistencies in the 2024 budget.

According to the senator, N28.7 trillion was signed by the president, but N25 trillion was approved by the National Assembly.

Additionally, there have been rumors that President Bola Tinubu has restored a portion of the fuel subsidy that was taken away on May 29, 2023.

The presidency has, however, denied the claim, insisting that fuel subsidy is gone.


Published by Ejoh Caleb

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